Wednesday, February 28, 2007

700k Homeless Nationwide

700k Homeless Nationwide: "A groundbreaking survey of homelessness being released today found that 704,000 people nationwide sought shelter at least once in a three-month period.

Families with children accounted for one-third of those seeking emergency shelter or transitional housing between February and April 2005, the most recent period studied, according to the report by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The rest were individuals, mostly adult men. Nearly half were black.

The count covered only those seeking shelter, not people living on the street, so the total number of homeless people would be higher."

(Via Wonkette.)

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Bush Meets With Anti-Semite Who Celebrated The Killing Of American Soldiers

Bush Meets With Anti-Semite Who Celebrated The Killing Of American Soldiers : "President Bush reportedly met yesterday with Walid Jumblatt, a member of the Lebanese Parliament who has repeatedly called for U.S.-backed regime change in Syria.


Jumblatt's meeting with the White House is notable not just because of his radical foreign policy views. In the past, Jumblatt has cheered the deaths of American soldiers in Iraq, referred to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as 'oil-colored,' and claimed the real axis of evil is one of 'oil and Jews.'"

(Via Think Progress.)