Tuesday, May 23, 2006

CNN.com - Bush's faith worries Albright - May 22, 2006

CNN.com - Bush's faith worries Albright - May 22, 2006: "U.S. President George W. Bush has alienated Muslims around the world by using absolutist Christian rhetoric to discuss foreign policy issues, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright says.

'I worked for two presidents who were men of faith, and they did not make their religious views part of American policy,' she said, referring to Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, both Democrats and Christians."

(Via CNN.)

Report: New Orleans Levees Underfunded

Salon.com | News Wires: "NEW ORLEANS -- The city's levee system was routinely underfunded and therefore inadequate to protect against hurricanes, according to an independent report released Monday.


'You tend to get what you pay for,' Dave Rogers, a member of the team of academics who extensively studied the system, said during a Monday news conference.

The study was performed by the Independent Levee Investigation Team, led by the University of California, Berkeley. The group has been highly critical of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which was in charge of designing and building the complicated system."

(Via Salon.)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Bush wants $2 billion?

Bush wants $2 billion? : "Putting aside the issue of immigrants and whether it is a fabricated issue, custom built for an election year by a party in decline, just where in the hell is $2 billion going to come from? Any market observers will have noticed that Wall Street and global markets were hit hard this week because of inflation signs. Now the GOP can't wait to spend another $2 billion that we don't have. Where are the cuts to fund this program? Where did Bush learn budgeting?"

(Via AMERICAblog.)