Friday, December 22, 2006

W56 Safety Problem?

W56 Safety Problem?: "Now we have learned that in March 2005, there was a "near-miss" event while disassembling another W56 warhead. Apparently the production technicians were using a faulty tool, putting too much pressure on the warhead. On November 29, 2006, Pantex was only fined $110,000 — 18 months after the near-miss incident. What was not made public at the time the fine was levied, however, is that according to safety experts knowledgeable about this event, it could actually have resulted in the detonation of the warhead. This incident was particularly dangerous because the W56 warhead was deployed in 1965, pre-dating the three basic enhanced safety features which reduce the possibility of an accidental detonation that are now required on more modern weapons."


Thursday, December 21, 2006

Congressman Criticizes Election of Muslim

Congressman Criticizes Election of Muslim: "In a letter sent to hundreds of voters this month, Representative Virgil H. Goode Jr., Republican of Virginia, warned that the recent election of the first Muslim to Congress posed a serious threat to the nation's traditional values.


"I fear that in the next century we will have many more Muslims in the United States if we do not adopt the strict immigration policies that I believe are necessary to preserve the values and beliefs traditional to the United States of America and to prevent our resources from being swamped," said Mr. Goode, who vowed to use the Bible when taking his own oath of office.

Mr. Goode declined Wednesday to comment on his letter, which quickly stirred a furor among some Congressional Democrats and Muslim Americans, who accused him of bigotry and intolerance."

(Via NY Times.)

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

If You Want The Truth, Speak To A Democrat

If You Want The Truth, Speak To A Democrat: " I have an huge hard-on for the Comptroller General, David Walker, a Clinton appointee (the CG is a seven-year appointment. It will be a sad day for America when he has to step down).

Let's just say that he does not have good news for us:

Despite improvement in both the fiscal year 2006 reported net operating cost and the cash-based budget deficit, the U.S. government's total reported liabilities, net social insurance commitments, and other fiscal exposures continue to grow and now total approximately $50 trillion, representing approximately four times the Nation's total output (GDP) in fiscal year 2006, up from about $20 trillion, or two times GDP in fiscal year 2000.

As this long-term fiscal imbalance continues to grow, the retirement of the "baby boom" generation is closer to becoming a reality with the first wave of boomers eligible for early retirement under Social Security in 2008.

Given these and other factors, it seems clear that the nation's current fiscal path is unsustainable and that tough choices by the President and the Congress are necessary in order to address the nation's large and growing long-term fiscal imbalance.

Um, as an accountant, let me translate this for you: The US is broke. Flat out, bankrupt. Further mucking this picture up is that the government's accounting system is so screwy that the GAO refuses to certify the report that it is required to make to Congress on an annual basis!"

(Via Martini Republic.)

Morning Eye-Opener

Morning Eye-Opener: "Our military spending is almost the exact same as the rest of the world's. Obviously, the solution to any problems with it is to make it bigger. Can anyone other than the very most cornfed Americans think that that will help, after six years of financially devastating leadership? The Clown in Chief has only two years left to fulfill his goal of bankrupting America, and he's evidently pulling out all stops."

(Via Martini Republic.)

Sunday, December 17, 2006

China to Buy 4 Westinghouse Nuclear Reactors

China to Buy 4 Westinghouse Nuclear Reactors: "China will buy four Westinghouse nuclear reactors in a deal that shows the continued attractiveness of American technology, but may also stir worries in Washington that the United States is selling its competitive advantage an industry at a time.

Energy Secretary Samuel W. Bodman of the United States and Ma Kai, the minister of China%u2019s National Development and Reform Commission, signed a memorandum of understanding for the reactors in in Beijing on Saturday. The deal calls for the state-owned China National Nuclear Corporation to buy the reactors from the Westinghouse Electric Company, which the Toshiba Corporation, based in Tokyo, bought earlier this year."

(Via NY Times.)

A Chilling Look at the Taliban's Success

A Chilling Look at the Taliban's Success: "In a fascinating find Newsweek has published a nine-page 'book of rules' that the Taliban is distributing in its areas of control in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The list itself is not earth-shattering, ... But what is shows is that the Taliban leadership has the time and space to fashion such a handbook, something a group cannot do when it is seriously pressed militarily or living primarily on the run."

(Via The Counterterrorism Blog.)

Israel and Nuclear Opacity

Israel and Nuclear Opacity: "Readers have probably already noted that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert ventured beyond the carefully worded description of Israel's nuclear status — Israel will not be the first country to introduce nuclear arms in the region — in effect confirming Israel's possession of nuclear weapons. Olmert, after making the standard statments, objected to comparing Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons with that of the United States, France, Russia — and Israel.

