Monday, October 03, 2005

Will Prince Waleed Change Fox's Terrorism Coverage?: "Frank Gaffney has an article in yesterday's Front Page Magazine analyzing the possible effect of Prince Waleed bin Talal's new voting stake in the News Corporation, which owns the Fox News Network.  Following a challenge to Rupert Murdoch's control of NewsCorp, Prince Waleed stepped in, shifting his NewsCorp stock from non-voting to voting shares and increasing his stake from 3% to 5.46%.  Since 9/11, Fox has been an important critic of Islamic radicalism, and has broadcast a number of hard-hitting stories exposing Saudi Arabia's pernicious Wahhabi indoctrination.  Gaffney asks a vital question:  Will Prince Waleed's share in NewsCorp change Fox's coverage of the war on terror?"

(Via The Counterterrorism Blog.)