Friday, September 02, 2005

The Counterterrorism Blog: Security Chaos in Hurricane Aftermath – What Does It Mean for the Future?: "What is becoming increasingly clear, almost by the hour, is how the security situation, especially in New Orleans has become dire. The local and State police have been unable to control looting and what has become generalized chaotic violence in some parts of the devastated city. Reports of extreme acts of random violence, including shooting attacks against the police and rescue personnel, as of today are common in the media. The Administration has reportedly committed tens of thousands of National Guard and other military units to move into the area to reestablish security, law and order. They cannot get there fast enough. Given that this hurricane, with its strength and potential destructive power, was something public officials knew about well in advance, there might well be questions about why mobilization of sufficient manpower resources did not occur beforehand. But, those are questions for later. Establishing security and order and the safety of the survivors is the highest priority at this time."

(Via The Counterterrorism Blog.)