Thursday, September 01, 2005

Martini Republic - Lead, follow, or have a drink.: "Of course Bush doesn't like to read things like newspapers or Presidential Daily Briefings warning of imminent terrorist attacks, but he could have gotten the information, if he had cared at all about the peril facing New Orleans. If Bush had taken five minutes off from his vacation before Katrina hit the Gulf Coast to get briefed on the dangers, he would have known that a breach in the levees was specifically identified as a known danger and the worst fear. Hell, if he'd watched CNN, or checked out those internets, he'd have had a clue."


"The amazing thing isn't that Bush paid no attention to a category 5 hurricane approaching a heavily populate area of the coast. He doesn't give a damn about ordinary people. He did nothing to prevent the disaster, and in fact cut funding for hurricane hardening work requested by the Corps of Engineers. Hell, he had tax cuts to hand out and foreign wars to finance.

To me, the most amazing thing is that today, even after the greatest natural disaster in US history, this lazy, ignorant vacation-loving President doesn't care enough to educate himself on the issue. Anyone who gave a slightest damn about the devastation visited on New Orleans and had an attention span of longer than 45 seconds would be aware not only that the danger of breached levees existed, but that anyone with the slighest bit of knowledge knew the danger existed. You'd have to be purposefully ignorant, and ignore every newspaper article, television news show, and internet site in the known universe to preserve the level of know-nothingness Bush just demonstrated."

(Via Martini Republic.)