Sunday, June 05, 2005

Kaine Campaign Invests in National Dem Netroots Outreach: "It gets better and better!  The Kaine campaign's new It Stops in Virginia campaign has gone national, with blogads on some of the major Democratic national blogs.

Looks like the Kaine campaign has covered the big guns in the national grassroots Democratic blogosphere, with buys on DailyKos, Eschaton, and MyDD as far as I've seen this morning.   (If you see the ads anywhere else, please include the link in comments!)

A weeklong ad buy on these three blogs would cost the Kaine campaign less than $1,000, but reaches hundreds of thousands of viewers per day - viewers that according to Blogads surveys are likely to have volunteered for campaigns in 2004, have an average annual income over $75K, and a median age of 40.  A great likely donor base, especially with a campaign appeal that will fire up national Democrats eager to fight back against misleading Republican attack ads."

(Via Democracy for Virginia.)