Sunday, June 05, 2005

AlterNet: The Foreign Language of Choice: "The emphasis on framing and language is not a covert attempt to push women's issues that are controversial -- be it abortion or contraception -- off the progressive agenda. Quite to the contrary, it is a refusal to accept the conservative definition of the issues involved, and put forward a positive vision, based on deeply progressive values and moral perspective.

Many of the feminist organizations have come to the conclusion that the word 'choice,' and the concept of choice, is a bad idea. Deborah Tannen, who is one of the best-known linguists in the country, observed over a decade ago that the word 'choice' is taken from a consumer vocabulary -- as compared to the word 'life,' which is taken from a moral vocabulary.

Morality beats consumerism every time.

Moreover, the word 'choice' versus 'decision' is a bad idea because 'choice' is less serious a word than 'decision.' From a linguistic perspective, 'choice' was in itself a bad choice."


"The second reparsing that Dean did in that interview was to take up the question of unwanted pregnancies itself. No one wants unwanted pregnancies, and there's no reason why we should have them since have the means to prevent these pregnancies. A very high percentage of the unwanted pregnancies are among women and girls who have been denied sex education and contraception. And yet the right-wing has been denying sex education to students, and in many cases, even denying contraception through its abstinence-only programs. Now we also face "vigilante pharmacists" who are not just imposing their own will on these women and depriving them of their personal freedom, but also their access to much-needed contraception.

In other words, the right-wing is actually creating unwanted pregnancies."

(Via AlterNet.)