Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Bush Hints He Will Withhold Further Data About Bolton - New York Times: "Democrats gave no indication they would back down. 'Mr. Bolton's fate lies with the president,' said Jim Manley, the spokesman for Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic leader. 'If he agrees to turn over the requested information about his nominee, then Mr. Bolton will get his up or down vote. The Senate is entitled to the information. It's really that simple.'

President Bush's comments came on the day the White House and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice marked the second anniversary of the White House program to slow nuclear proliferation, in which Mr. Bolton was a key player. The targets of the program include North Korea, Iran and Syria.

Mr. Bush said, 'We've got a lot of work to do with the North Korean,' apparently referring to Kim Jong Il, the president, 'because he tends to ignore what the other five nations are saying at times.' The United States, China, Japan, South Korea and Russia have been engaged in more than two years of talks aimed at persuading the North to end its nuclear arms program.

He added at another point: 'It's either diplomacy or military. And I am for the diplomacy approach.'"

Sorry, it's gotta be said:

  1. Of course it's gotta be diplomatic, it's blatently obvious that the current leadership doesn't have enough skill to muscle itself out of a paper bag.
  2. And if they could, we no longer have the money or military resources to pull it off.
  3. For the love of God, at least remember Kim Jong Il's name!
  4. Finally, a quick reminder on the North Korean disarming progress with 2 years of Bolton.

This constitutes the full 1% [ls] content for the week. I hope you enjoyed it.

(Via NY Times.)