Saturday, June 04, 2005 - The machine that can copy anything - Jun 2, 2005: "A revolutionary machine that can copy itself and manufacture everyday objects quickly and cheaply could transform industry in the developing world, according to its creator.

The 'self-replicating rapid prototyper,' or 'RepRap' is the brainchild of Dr. Adrian Bowyer, a senior lecturer in mechanical engineering at the University of Bath in the UK."


"He also said that the technology could help solve some of the recycling issues commonly associated with plastics: 'If the machine can copy itself, it can make its own recycler. When you break something you can just feed it into the recycler and break it down to its raw materials and re-build it.

'The key ecological point is that it cuts down on the transportation necessary both to manufacture products and to dispose of them. Every household would have its own recycling set-up.

'This is recycling heaven rather than recycling hell.'"

(Via CNN.)