Wednesday, April 20, 2005

victims' rights: "Congratulations, Mr. Rudolph, on escaping the penalty you and your allies so ardently pursue for others.   You kind loves to talk about meting out justice, but never want to see it applied in your own case.  That's because you lack the courage of your convictions.  Make no mistake:  Your lack of conviction or bravery makes you a laughingstock to the country.  Except for a few morons who've been taken in by corrupt opportunists like Randall Terry, people see you for what you are:  a sick little man who uses the cloak of religion to exercise his hatred.

If the afterlife is anything like what is described in church, rest assured that your seat in Hell is waiting for you.  It will not be far from the adulterer Mr. Terry's, nor of any of the others who use religion as a mask for hatred.   Politicians like Tom DeLay who take bribes, then use the 'life' movement to try to distract the public, will also be nearby.   In fact, Hell may resemble a DeLay fundraiser lasting throughout all Eternity, with the hookers always just out of reach and the hot tub set to that special 'Extra High' setting.

You're an attractive man, Mr. Rudolph = even a pretty one.  Who knows what lies within your psyche to make you hate gay people so, despite the fact that your own brother is gay.  It would certainly appear that you have been playing out your sexual insecurities, as well as other severe inadequacies, in a violent and public way.   Your prison sentence will give you a long, long time to explore your own homosexual tendencies.   Enjoy it if you can, because that hot tub is warmed up and ready for your sorry ass."

(Via Night Light.)