Monday, April 18, 2005

What was George Bush thinking? Or was he?: "What was George Bush thinking when he agreed to nominate John Bolton to be the next U.S. Ambassador to the UN? Or was he?

It was clear from the start that Bolton’s Senate confirmation hearings would be contentious. This man’s a human lightening-rod –not only because of his hawkish political views but because of his pugnacious personality as well.

What I fail to understand is why this, or any administration, would want him to represent their interests at the UN. Although the media coverage thus far has focused on a man who abused his position to attempt to jeopardize the careers of several experienced intelligence analysts and career foreign policy specialists who did not work for him and had the temerity to question his poor judgment, there’s another – equally important question – that runs through these hearings. Namely, Bolton’s propensity to make up his own foreign policy when those of the administration don’t suit his ideological bent. This came out in Thursday’s testimony on North Korea - although the story of Bolton’s bizarre behavior had circulated throughout the foreign affairs community not long after the incident in question had occurred - when Bolton almost succeeded in torpedoing the six-party talks with North Korea. "

(Via WhirledView.)