Wednesday, April 20, 2005

The GOP's Favorite Democrat: "Essentially, Nelson is doing Frist's controversial bidding for him, at a time when conservative opposition to Frist's plan is rising--from a host of GOP moderates and from two influential right-wing groups, Gun Owners of America and the National Right to Work Committee. 'When Bill Clinton was president, we, effectively, in the Judiciary Committee blocked a number of his nominees,' John McCain told MSNBC. 'I say to my conservative friends, some day there will be a liberal Democrat president and a liberal Democrat Congress.' However, the support of one or two more centrist Democrats could resuscitate Frist's plan at the very moment it is dying.

Nelson argues that his party's well-organized resistance to the nuclear option puts red state Democrats in a tough spot. But there's a different between trying to reach consensus and giving the GOP whatever it wants. Just ask North Dakota's Kent Conrad, who recently said of the filibuster: 'when judges are way outside of the mainstream, I'm willing to do it.' If the president wants bipartisanship, says South Dakota Senator Tim Johnson, he could start by consulting with Democrats on his selections"

(Via The Nation Weblogs.)