Monday, April 11, 2005

Apr 9, 2005: A coordinated campaign of judicial intimidation: "Imagine a country where judges can be thrown off the bench simply for handing down decisions that our current political leaders don't like. No more meaningful lifetime appointments. No more independent judiciary. Judges' decisions would be completely subject to political whims, with wisdom and the rule of law thrown out.

Conservative activists aren't just imagining that situation; they're working hard to make it a reality. At a conference this weekend attended by conservative luminaries — including members of Congress — activists fell over each other trying to produce the most virulent anti-judge rhetoric.

They supported the recent thinly veiled threats from Senator John Cornyn and Majority Leader Tom DeLay against federal judges. They called for impeachment for judges who dared to disagree with their extremist ideology."

(Via DNC: Kicking Ass.)