Monday, April 11, 2005

republican nuremberg: "The constant drumbeat of extremist rhetoric and radical action by Republican leaders has reached a crescendo in recent weeks with their deliberate falsehoods in the Schiavo case, attempted subversion of constitutional separation of powers, and threatening statements against the lives of Federal judges.  Unnoticed in the din is the thundering sound of silence from so-called 'Republican moderates' like Giuliani, Schwarzenegger, McCain, and Pataki.   They and others like them are active collaborators in this orchestrated coup against the democratic (small 'd') system.   They must right the wrong they've done by speaking out against the leadership they helped put into power.   If they don't,  they will not be able to claim a 'Nuremberg defense' in the judgement of history.   They will be held accountable.

These politicians want to have it both ways.  Thanks to an indifferent media and a disinterested electorate, so far they have.   They actively campaigned for the re-election (or election, if you prefer) of an Administration that has engaged in a series of unlawful acts, and cavorted with bad actors at home and abroad.  They actively support Congressional leadership that is guilty in some cases of profound personal corruption, and in all cases of lying and overthrowing the rules of order.  When these leaders do or say very bad things, the 'moderates' seem to just smile and shrug as if to say 'look at what those characters are doing, but I'm a reasonable person.'   No, you're not.  Not anymore.  You bear responsibility for the people you help put into power."

(Via Night Light.)