Saturday, October 07, 2006

Hans Rosling: HIV - begining of the end!

Hans Rosling: HIV - begining of the end!: "Once more lack of good statistics has kept us sadder than needed. Accumulating data indicate that the global HIV epidemic has passed the peak. A new study form India shows that HIV infection rates remains low in the north and DECRESES IN THE SOUTH (Lancet April 08,


From a fraction of a percent in Arabic North Africa, to 1-5 % in West Africa and above 30% in Southern Africa. With frustration she states that research has done little to tell why. World Health Organization failed to put 3 million on HIV drugs by the end of 2005, but in spite of its focus on medical treatment, the prevention has worked in silence. The horrendous HIV epidemic has reached the end of its beginning, and maybe even the beginning of the end.."

Emphasis mine.

(Via G A P M I N D E R.)