Saturday, October 07, 2006

Hang Separately? Nah. Drown Together.

Daily Kos: Hang Separately? Nah. Drown Together.: "It's fascinating. Seriously. They can't shut up, they can't stop passing money around between them, they can't refrain from the fatal error of blaming kids for their problems, they can't forgo getting their pasty compulsive mugs on TV, they can't stop paying for commercials apologizing, they can't stop campaigning on each other's behalf even though the complex scandals are creating a vortex of circling-the-drain defeat. The cover-up for Foley bleeds into the money accepted from Foley bleeds into the apologists for Foley bleeds into the crossovers of all the above in the Abramoff money scandal, which bleeds into the apologists for the lies of Iraq camp.

And then they think throwing a president whose numbers have hit the 33% skids, whom a majority of Americans now believe responsible for lying the country's way into a preemptive war with no strategic way out that has cost more than 2,700 American lives ... they think throwing this president in this atmosphere out on the campaign trail for oxygen-deprived, scandal-ridden candidates is helpful."

(Via Daily Kos.)