Wednesday, March 15, 2006

New Poll Finds 86 Percent Of Americans Don't Want To Have A Country Anymore | The Onion - America's Finest News Source: "A Gallup/Harris Interactive poll released Monday indicates that nearly nine out of 10 Americans are 'tired of having a country.'

Among the 86 percent of poll respondents who were in favor of discontinuing the nation, the most frequently cited reasons were a lack of significant results from the current democratic process (36 percent), dissatisfaction with customer service (28 percent), and exhaustion (22 percent)."


"'I already belong to a health club, a church, and the Kiwanis Club,' Tammy Golden of Los Angeles wrote. 'I'm a member of the Von's Grocery Super Savers, which gets me a discount on certain groceries. These are all well-managed organizations with real benefits. None of them send me a confusing bill once a year and make me work it out myself, then throw me in jail if I get it wrong.'"

(Via The Onion.)