Monday, March 27, 2006

AlterNet: Rights and Liberties: Keeping Tabs on the Peaceniks: "More evidence that the U.S. government is justifying surveillance of political dissidence under the guise of monitoring 'terrorism' has recently come to light. Early this March an FBI agent's presentation at the University of Texas law school listed Indymedia, Food Not Bombs, the Communist Party of Texas and 'Anarchists' as groups on the FBI's 'Terrorist Watch List' for central Texas."

Just to make it explicit, this means two things:

  • The FBI's back to its old tricks again, harassing normal Americans that want a better America. Remember the FBI tried to blackmail Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • The FBI doesn't know about 10 real terrorist groups in Texas. Despite it being really likely that there are at least that many in a state that large.

(Via AlterNet.)