Saturday, November 12, 2005

Roberts pushes for Patriot Act subpoenas: "As House and Senate negotiators opened talks on the expiring USA Patriot Act, Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., said talks have moved toward withholding some of the tools law enforcement agencies need to fight a war on terror.

He said he will push hard for the panel to enact administrative subpoena power in the final product. In June, his panel included the expanded power to subpoena records without the approval of a judge or grand jury in terrorism investigations. But the Senate and the House passed their bills without the provision, long sought by the Bush administration.

'Why is it that on our number one security threat, we balk?' Roberts asked the panel of 32 lawmakers, which includes himself.

Other committee members said caution makes sense when Congress is considering expanding the government's power to monitor the most private areas of people's lives. They pointed to recent reports that some 30,000 national security letters - issued by FBI agents without approval of a judge or grand jury - are secretly issued every year, a 100-fold increase over their use historically.

'You can't open up the paper or turn on the TV without hearing (about) public concern about the Patriot Act,' said Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa."
