Saturday, November 12, 2005

The Counterterrorism Blog: French Islamists, the winners of the riots: "I just finished an article re the real implications of the French Islamists in the latest wave of violence in French suburbs. Here is an excerpt:

In fact, the French suburbs where radical Islam is most entrenched have been quiet. As terrorism expert Alain Bauer wisely observed: 'The radical Islamists would rather see the return of calm so they can act quietly.'

Most radical Islamist Web sites I've browsed are calling on rioters to put down their rocks and molotov cocktails. One exhorts Muslims 'not to give ammunition to the Zionist Nicolas Sarkozy scum who has now shown his real face as an Israeli terrorist' -- a reference to the country's hardline Interior Minister."

(Via The Counterterrorism Blog.)