Friday, September 16, 2005

The Counterterrorism Blog: More Frustration on Viktor Bout: "Seems Congressional folks on both sides of the aisle are growing increasingly frustrated with the unwillingness or inability of the Pentagon and State Department to answer questions about Viktor Bout. One set of concerns centers on Bout's ongoing and potentially illegal contracts with the U.S. military and KBR in Iraq and Afghanistan. The other is the State Deparment's inability to get companies and individuals in Bout's network, designated by Treasury Department's OFAC office as bad guys with their assets frozen, onto the broader U.N. sanctions list, which would make the measures applicable worldwide. It has been five months since the OFAC designations, yet State refuses to take what is largely an administrative step and push the already-completed paperwork on up to the United Nations"

Information on the arms trafficker Viktor Bout is available in this article.

(Via The Counterterrorism Blog.)