Friday, May 06, 2005

what the f**k?!? [that's spelled "fuck" -- ls]: "I didn't know how quickly I would be proven right about CNN when I said that the initials stand for 'Chasing Non-Negroes,' based on their their predilection to report almost exclusively on missing white women and other 'human interest' stories. And while NewsNight was descending to new lows, Zell Miller was demonstrating stunning hypocrisy by promoting his new book and himself on an episode of The Daily Show that defied everything he claims to stand for. First Zell says Dems and liberals have defiled the language, but pals around that foulmouthed Cheney guy and  porno advocate Rush Limbaugh. Then he appears on Jon Stewart's show, which puts the bluest possible language in the First Lady's mouth, because it's a good way to promote his book. A spokesman for decency? Au contraire.  What a whore."

(Via Night Light.)