Wednesday, May 18, 2005 | Terrorists Use Libraries: "I will ignore Is W more Catholic than the pope? for the technical article Terrorists use libraries, in which Deroy Murdock discovers that terrorists use libraries: I began my research on this topic three weeks ago by typing the words ‘Atta’ and ‘library’ into Google. I was nearly as amazed by articles I found tying the hijackers to libraries as by the fact that these pieces had vanished down the memory hole. I know it must be shocking to all of you, but thank goodness we have dedicated investigative reporters like Mr. Murdock to track down these links.

Mock surprise aside, Mr. Murdock brings up the terrorist-library connection to defend the Patriot Act. He claims that the FBI was unable to track the terrorists before 9/11 because they did not have the extended powers granted by the Act. He also points out that since the passage of the Patriot Act, the FBI has never used it's new powers to investigate a library. Does this bother anyone else? If investigating libraries is critical to stopping terrorists from causing 9/11 type disasters, and the FBI has never investigated a library, are we really safe? Perhaps the best option is to just close down all public libraries. Or we could bring in the same people who do security at airports to screen library patrons. Any other ideas?'"


"hmmm...perhaps we ought to have a good old-fashioned book burning? It has the benefit of bypassing all the symptoms (terrorist acts, educated dissent, intelligence, etc.) and eliminating the source. Right"
