Sunday, May 22, 2005

DFV Leader Publishes Op Ed in Roanoke Times: "Kathy Welch, a Democracy for Virginia leader from Blacksburg (and host of the Blacksburg DFA Meetup) published a great op ed piece in today's Roanoke Times on the 'so-called liberal media', here in Virginia and nationally.  An excerpt:

Until May 13, the news pages of The Roanoke Times failed to report what's circulated the globe for weeks: notes from a July 2002 meeting among high-ranking British officials, revealing that the Bush administration knowingly cooked the intelligence on WMDs and more.

But lying about sex, now that's worth front-page coverage, years of media time and more than $50 million.

Even conservative William Kristol has admitted there's no such thing as a 'liberal media' (according to Joe Conason in his book, 'Big Lies')."

(Via Democracy for Virginia.)