Friday, May 20, 2005

On the Road Again: "No, I am not in fact in favor of travestying anyone’s rituals or insulting their holy books. Even as a means of interrogation in a life or death situation, such an action (while possibly necessary) would be disgusting. But even if the story is true, Newsweek’s story is completely out of bounds during a period of war and emergency. Any sensible person should have better sense than to stir up Islamic believers into further acts of rioting and terrorism. It is worse than shouting ‘fire’ in a crowded theater, and while I am completely out of sympathy with the Bush administration’s bully little war, I should think that no normal or decent person would wish to stir up violent riots simply for the sake of selling more nasty little magazines."

Ah, news is immoral. That explains it.

(Via Hard Right!.)