Tuesday, May 10, 2005

AlterNet: EnviroHealth: Brazil to U.S.: Keep Your Money: "Brazil has rejected $40 million in U.S. funds for fighting AIDS because of demands that it condemn prostitution, a key participant in its flagship AIDS program. The move is seen by some observers as a rejection of Washington's head-in-the-sand linkage of neo-con morality and foreign aid.

''Biblical principles [are] their guide, not science,' Pedro Chequer, director of Brazil's AIDS program told media outlets on Wednesday. 'This premise is inadequate because it hurts our autonomous national policy.'

Acting in accordance with a 2003 federal law, U.S. Congress demanded that Brazil publicly condemn prostitution before accepting the funds from the U.S. Agency for International Development, or USAID. Prostitution is a legal industry in Brazil and a key civic player in fighting the spread of HIV/AIDS."

(Via AlterNet.)