Thursday, April 28, 2005 News | Blair releases legal advice on Iraq war: "Prime Minister Tony Blair released the attorney general's confidential advice on the legality of the Iraq war on Thursday, an embarrassing reversal forced by a leak and relentless pressure from political rivals only days before a national election.

Blair had hoped to focus on the economy, health care and education before the May 5 vote. But the document thrust the ferocious debate about Britain's support of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and Blair's integrity to the forefront of the campaign.

'Whatever I say, I will never, ever convince some people who have been opposed to this war,' said Blair. 'I cannot apologize for that decision because I still think the world is a better place with Saddam in prison rather than in power.'

The dispute hinged on the advice given to Blair by his top legal adviser Lord Goldsmith on March 7, 2003. The confidential note has been the subject of intense press speculation in recent months and, finally, a detailed leak to Channel 4 News on Wednesday night."

(Via Salon.)