Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Secrecy News 03/21/05: "In response to a Freedom of Information Act request for historical intelligence budget figures, the Central Intelligence Agency last year told a federal court (1) that 'the most definitive source for the total CIA appropriation for any given year is the figure indicated in the classified annex to the intelligence authorization act for that year'; and (2) that 'CIA was not able to locate the classified annexes to the intelligence authorization acts for Fiscal Years 1947 to 1970.'

This alarming admission caught the attention of the National Archives, which asked the CIA to explain whether it had lost or improperly destroyed the budget records (Secrecy News, 12/10/04).

In a February 23, 2005 reply, CIA chief information officer Edmund Cohen said the Agency conducted 'extensive research' into the matter and found that such classified annexes only began to be produced by congressional authorizers in the 1980s."

(Via Secrecy News.)