Monday, January 24, 2005

Hell Has Frozen Over || "Palestinian Security Forces have been deployed to prevent attacks on Israel:

Between 2,000 and 3,000 security forces were to be deployed along the Gaza-Israeli border, Palestinian security sources said.
They're actually doing their job:
Witnesses said Palestinian security forces were stopping and inspecting vehicles near Erez and Karni junctions in northern Gaza.
Hamas might actually go along with it:
The Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz reported Friday it had obtained an internal document distributed by Hamas' leadership calling on the group to cooperate with Abbas.
and Israeli and Palestinian Security Forces are working together:
Maj. Gen. Moussa Arafat, in charge of the Palestinian security forces, said he wanted Israeli coordination so that Israeli troops would not mistake the Palestinian security forces for terrorists and open fire on them. Israel said Thursday that Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz had signed off on the Palestinian plan.
Here's to President Mahmoud Abbas. Not bad for your first week on the job."

(Via k5.)