Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Get'em While They're Young || kuro5hin.org: "Do kids really have a thorough enough grasp of the issues to be for Kerry? Is it not troublesome that Jerry Falwell is gleefully asserting that 'I am the Pied Piper', whilst proselytizing to hundreds of thousands of children via email lists, using addresses collected en masse from church youth groups? Nay, strap the children down, tape their eyes open, and let the enlightenment begin, for procrastination will lead to missed opportunities. Children ages 5-12 are at their ripest. These are the golden years when it comes to imbuing humans with value systems they are apt to carry for a life time, so stamp them out like so many coins on a press, for they will one day be your currency at the voting booths."

(Via k5.)