Thursday, December 09, 2004

Defense Tech: ROCKY FOE: SATELLITE WEAPONS?: "As regular Defense Tech readers know, the Pentagon has a whole stack of projects, in varying stages of development, to strike evil-doers in space. In October, the Air Force declared operational it's radio frequency-based satellite jammer, the Counter Communications System. Back in January of 2003, the Defense Department launched its Experimental Satellite Series (XSS), which is developing pint-size orbiters, largely for offensive purposes. Recently-revealed XSS designs include a 'blocker' microsat, which uses a 'circular, gimbaled, opaque fan' to stop up enemy communications in space. There's also an orbiting 'grabber,' equipped with a mechanical arm, meant for 'docking with and reorientation of enemy spacecraft.' With this 'grapple feature,' the mini-ship will 'attach itself to [an] enemy satellite, [and] benignly cause disorientation.'

Satellites from hostile countries aren't the only ones which could be blocked or grabbed by the American machines. In a recent report, the Air Force declared that orbiters from neutral nations, private companies -- even weather satellites -- were all on the target list, too."

(Via a DefenseTech.)