Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Democrats Won, But Arabs in America Still Suffer from Bush's War on Terror

But Arabs in America Still Suffer from Bush's War on Terror: "But all this has not stopped the government from continuing its harassing of Al-Arian. Judge Moody recently ruled that compelling Al-Arian to testify in the grand jury investigation of the International Institute of Islamic Thought in Herndon, Va., would not violate the plea agreement. Several people close to the case fear that the current attempt to make Al-Arian testify is part of an effort to charge him with perjury and set him up for a new trial. The assistant U.S. attorney in Virginia, Gordon Kromberg, like many involved in the case, has made derogatory and racist comments about Muslims. When Al-Arian's lawyers asked Kromberg to delay the transfer of the professor to Virginia because of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan they were told 'if they can kill each other during Ramadan they can appear before the grand jury.' Kromberg, according to an affidavit signed by Al-Arian's attorney, Jack Fernandez, also said: 'I am not going to put off Dr. Al-Arian's grand jury appearance just to assist in what is becoming the Islamization of America.'"

(Via AlterNet.)