Thursday, September 14, 2006

NSA Bill "Major Disaster," Mainstream Civil Lib Group

NSA Bill "Major Disaster," Mainstream Civil Lib Group : "What started out as Senator Specter wanting to rein in the president's program has turned on its head and is now not just a legislative ratification of the program, but an expansion of warrantless wiretapping of Americans.

It would allow the NSA to turn its vacuum cleaners on even domestic phone calls and emails of citizens.

And -- they do all of this in Alice-in-Wonderland fashion by defining all kinds of categories of surveillance to be not surveillance.

The bill is basically saying that any time you are targeting a foreigner, even if you are collecting calls to us citizens, that's not surveillance.

And anytime you are targeting nobody, but scooping up vast quantities of calls, that's not surveillance.

This bill goes light years or miles beyond the Patriot Act."

Emphasis Mine

(Via a DefenseTech.)