Tuesday, July 04, 2006

NEA to Challenge 'No Child Left Behind'

NEA to Challenge 'No Child Left Behind': "An overwhelming majority of delegates from the nation's largest education union approved a plan Monday to aggressively lobby Congress for reform of the No Child Left Behind Act.

The National Education Association has fought to change the measure since its beginnings in 2001, but this is the union's most organized effort to date, said Joel Packer, the NEA's policy manager on the act.

'We're moving from just being critics to saying this is our own vision,' Packer said. 'It is very powerful because it's the voices of classroom teachers.'

In an hourlong discussion, only three of the 9,000 members of the union's Representative Assembly argued against the lobbying effort. They said the law was too flawed to fix and wanted the union to focus on repealing it."

(Via Salon.)