Monday, July 17, 2006

Israel Takes a Stupid Pill

AlterNet: Israel Takes a Stupid Pill: "In the past, the United States had enough credibility on both sides and kept enough of a distance during these blood fueds so that we could intervene and prevent the fighting from escalating into a gigantic war. It appears that there is no one in the Bush Administration who can step up and intervene to calm the situation. Hell, with John Bolton and Elliot Abrams leading the charge, we are Israel's enablers.

Former Senator Fred Thompson played a U.S. Navy Admiral in The Hunt for Red October. While speaking about escalating tensions as the United States and the Soviet Union chased a renegade submarine, he said: 'This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it.'

Those words are relevant today. Let's hope and pray they don't come to pass."

(Via AlterNet.)