Saturday, May 20, 2006

When Will the Right Renounce Racism — And Mean It?

Feministe » When Will the Right Renounce Racism — And Mean It?: "Sure, there are some conservatives and wingnuts who aren’t racist. And there are absolutely many liberals who are quite racist. But you just don’t see liberal publications and talking heads preaching white superiority quite the same way that you do on the right side of things.

Take, for an easy example, right-wing poster-Barbie Ann Coulter, who asks ‘Where are the skinheads?’ and then the next week, essentially finds and supports them. Then we’ve got Bill O’Reilly, who laments the waning power of ‘white Christians’ in the face of a ‘rainbow coalition.’ Boo hoo. John Gibson tells white people to make more babies to counter all the brown people being born — and then follows it up by saying that Muslims are a problem, too. Rush Limbaugh bizarrely compares a letter written by the Iranian PM to activism to ‘liberal Hollywood Jewish people.’ Dick Cheney goes on his show the next week. The White House Press Secretary uses the term ‘tar baby’ in his first press briefing — albeit in an odd context."

(Via Salon.)