Friday, May 05, 2006

War Room - "Perhaps George W. Bush should have listened to Porter Goss in the first place. Before Bush named Goss to head the CIA, the former Republican congressman and one-time CIA agent said he wasn't qualified to work at the modern-day version of the agency.


He'd apparently find plenty of agreement at the CIA. When Goss took over in 2004, he inherited an agency reeling from its failings on 9/11 and Iraq. He promised a fresh start, but, as the Washington Post reported in October, his progress mostly seemed to be of the backward variety. A year into his directorship, the Post said, Goss was 'at loggerheads with the clandestine service' and struggling to deal with the departure of 'at least a dozen senior officials,' including Robert Richer, a top CIA official who quit then told senators that he'd lost confidence in Goss."

(Via Salon.)