Thursday, May 11, 2006

The children they gave away - Life

The children they gave away - Life: "It was the 1960s and Joyce was going to beauty school in Florida when she realized she was pregnant. When her mother found out, Joyce says, she was 'dumped' at a Salvation Army Home for Unwed Mothers in Alabama. 'It was an old, old, old house with big rooms,' she remembers now. '[And] I had no control ... It was like being in a car wreck or something. Once you start skidding, that's it. [So] I kind of skidded through it.'

Joyce is just one of more than a million and a half women who were sent to maternity homes to surrender their children for adoption in the decades between World War II and the passage of Roe v. Wade in 1973. They were college freshman working their way through school with two jobs. They were tomboys, sorority girls and valedictorians. They were mothers and they were invisible."

(Via Salon.)