Thursday, February 02, 2006

Early Warning by William M. Arkin - "In truth, NSA is aligning its growing domestic eavesdropping operations -- what the administration calls 'terrorist warning' in its current PR campaign -- with military homeland defense organizations, as well as the CIA's new domestic operations Colorado. 

Translation: Hey Congress, Colorado is now the American epicenter for national domestic spying.


The new NSA operation is located at Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora, at a facility commonly known as the Aerospace Data Facility. 

According to Government Executive Magazine -- thanks DP -- 'NSA is building a massive data storage facility in Colorado, which will be able to hold the electronic equivalent of the Library of Congress every two days.' This new NSA data warehouse is the hub of 'data mining' and analysis development, allowing the eavesdropping agency to develop and make better use of the unbelievabytes of data it collects but does not exploit. "

(Via Washington Post.)