Tuesday, January 24, 2006

t r u t h o u t - Marjorie Cohn | Bush on Trial for Crimes against Humanity: "The International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration convened last weekend in New York City's Riverside Church. Martin Luther King Jr.'s portrait hangs in the foyer. Dr. King delivered his historic 1967 speech, 'Beyond Vietnam: A Place to Break the Silence,' opposing the war and calling for the removal of all foreign troops from Vietnam, in that same church.


Center for Constitutional Rights President Michael Ratner, who delivered a keynote address to the commission of inquiry, invoked Dr. King's words from 1967: 'A time comes when silence is betrayal.' The following year, the Bertrand Russell War Crimes Tribunal put the US government on trial for 'crimes without precedent' it was committing in Vietnam. In the tradition of the Russell tribunal, the panel of judges at the commission of inquiry heard evidence of George W. Bush's war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Guantánamo Bay, and elsewhere."

(Via t r u t h o u t.)