Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Drought Deepens Poverty, Starving More Africans - New York Times: " It has barely rained for a year, the scant corn harvest of six months ago is long exhausted and the regional hospital here is again filling with near-starving children - 18 admissions in August, 30 in September, 23 by mid-October.

Dola Sandram has come to a feeding center in Chikwawa, Malawi, to register her 2-year-old, Fredson, left. Such centers report a sharp increase in the number of children being brought in on the edge of malnutrition.

And what people here routinely call the hunger season - the season with no corn - has barely begun.

'We used to have six, seven children in the unit,' said Emily Sarina, the district nursing officer. 'We expect the number to increase by December, because that's when the hunger is critical.'

Malawi is the epicenter of Africa's second hunger crisis in five months, and the second in which the developed world has responded with painful slowness."

From the article: How to Help: Groups Aiding Hunger in Africa

(Via NY Times.)