Sunday, October 23, 2005

US nuclear warplans fly around the internet | Greenpeace International: "The document is a rare unpolished look at how the Cold War doctrine of nuclear first strike - previously spun as 'deterrence' - has taken on a new dimension.

It reveals that the threshold for actually using nuclear weapons has been lowered dramatically.

And it outs the untruth of George Bush claiming that the US is reducing the importance of its nuclear arsenal.

For instance, the document condones pre-emptive nuclear strikes against nations (even those without nuclear weapons) which the US government thinks might use chemical or biological weapons against US forces or allies. The document also condones the use of nuclear weapons as just another item in the warfighting toolbox, and underscores the importance of US troops being able to continue functioning in a highly irradiated battle zone."

(Via GreenPeace.)