Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Walid Phares: "Al Qaida's TV" won't replace al Jazeera, it is the official archives: "Writing in the Washington Post (article), Daniel Williams announced that al Qaida has launched its own news bulletins via Internet. He referred it to an Italian news agency called Adnkonois, reporting from Dubai. He mentioned that the entire 16 minutes was available on an Italian web site. At first, one would be impressed by the news value of the 'story.' And indeed, in our current world of Global War on Terror, sensational pieces such as this one make headlines, inflame talking heads, and put writers on TV screens. If we agree that Terrorism and counter terrorism have produced an industry and consumers a headline such as 'al Qaida has its own newscast now' will open ears and eyes and drag mouses to click on links. But let's examine where is the real meat in this story, with a comparative analysis.."

(Via The Counterterrorism Blog.)