Monday, August 08, 2005 - War Room: "When we last mentioned our old friend from Talon News, we were noting that a piece Gannon wrote back in the summer of 2004 -- a piece on which Bob Novak seemed to rely in a column involving the Valerie Plame case this week -- wasn't exactly supported by what you'd call reporting. Gannon wrote in July 2004 that the Kerry campaign had dumped Joseph Wilson over concerns about his supposed mendacity. On what did Gannon base his report? His own supposition, as far as we can tell. Gannon checked out Kerry's Web site, saw that prior references to Wilson weren't there anymore, and concluded on his own that the campaign had 'apparently ... jettisoned' Wilson.

We checked in with two staffers from Kerry's campaign, and they said it simply wasn't so -- that the Wilson references were removed from the campaign Web site as part of a larger redesign effort, and that Wilson did, in fact, continue to campaign for Kerry through the fall. And we checked the World Wide Web and found evidence that Wilson was still appearing on Kerry's behalf just weeks before the November election, long after Gannon's piece said he had been dumped. Gannon had claimed that his report was 'rock solid.' We showed that it wasn't."

In case you forget who Jeff Gannon was...

(Via Salon.)