Saturday, July 16, 2005

AlterNet: MediaCulture: Crying 'anti-Americanism': "Fox News speaks up for the poor, downtrodden white male.

'Special interest groups' is a phrase that conservative pundits use to describe various advocacy groups that, when added all together, constitute the majority of Americans.

Though it may be unintentional, it's a classic example of divide-and-conquer.

African-American advocacy groups? No, special interest groups, coded language that really means 'those minorities are trying to impose their narrow and selfish agenda on the majority, which is obviously wrong because in a democracy, majority rules (as if the Founding Fathers didn't Constitutionalize legal parameters to protect minorities from what is called 'the tyranny of the majority').

Womens rights advocacy? Special interests.

Gay and lesbian organizations? Immoral special interests."

(Via AlterNet.)