Monday, July 25, 2005

AlterNet: The $256 Question: "The US Attorney's office now has an 'anti-terrorism' division. It has been an utter failure in its mission to prosecute terrorists. So its mission is changed to intimidate any citizen it can in the name of fighting terror. Indeed, the so called 'global war on terror' is more accurately, 'the war of a terrorist state against the world and against any of its citizens who think they have rights against the state'. From the point of view of the authoritarian Bush regime, citizenship and equality are the enemies at home. This is what fascism is all about, the elimination of equality in a society organized by giant corporations, a corporate society and a corporate state. This is how Mussolini defined it and he should know; he invented it. "

Actually, this is a comment to the article, but it's just that good.

(Via AlterNet.)