Monday, June 13, 2005

The Onion | Tornado Violence: Are Tornadic Images In The Media To Blame?: "Like so many of those caught in their path, the killer tornadoes have died, fading away on the Oklahoma plains. But the questions remain. How could this happen? Why didn't anyone see it coming? What would drive an air mass to commit such a horrible act of violence?

For many, the blame lies with the media.

'Every day in this country, we are bombarded with images of powerful, destructive wind vortices,' said Roland Gilchrist, director of the Princeton University Center For Media Studies. 'Movies like Twister, TV shows like Fox's World's Scariest Tornadoes, networks like The Weather Channel—all of these only serve to glorify tornado violence and send the message that such destructive behavior is acceptable and even rewarded. We shouldn't be surprised, then, when real-life weather fronts start imitating what they see on TV.'"

(Via The Onion.)