Saturday, May 14, 2005

'Protocols' Left Bush Out of the Loop: "Do the Democrats need another think tank to help them figure out their future? A coalition of liberals and centrists believes so, but with a twist: It will be a think tank for politics, not for policy.

The New Politics Institute (NPI) will leave it to others to develop a future policy agenda for the party. Simon Rosenberg, founder of the New Democrat Network and the inspiration behind the new institute, said the new group will study what the rise of the conservative movement, anticipated demographic changes in the country and the 'post-broadcasting' world of new media mean for Democrats' hopes of winning elections.

'Until we can really get our act together and win elections, all the policy white papers aren't going to do us a lot of good,' said Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, whose Daily Kos is one of the most popular political blogs on the Internet and who is an adviser to the institute."

(Via The Washington Post.)