Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Bush Insults Muslims Across the World: "Bush says 'I dont think a photo inspires murderers' he continued 'These people are motivated by a vision of the world that is backward and barbaric'  He went on to attack their ideology and say that it is hard for the western world to comprehend such a view of the world. In his statements regarding the photographical insults and humiliations recently put down by a wayward soldier on Saddam Hussein, he has effectively insulted the entire  Muslim world.  Those living in the east and in the west.  By refering to the resistace figters in the Middle East as 'these people'  he takes away and humanity assigned to them by any other leader.  In the days of segregation the African Americans were refered to as those people, and occasionally you still hear a group of people who is ethnically different from some one refered to as those people.  That in itself is an insult.  Saying that the way they see the world is backward and barbaric takes the insult a step further.  While many of the people in the western world may not understand the ways of life in the Middle East I dont believe that it is hard for us to comprehend them, it is just a basic case of ignorance."

(Via Technorati: Politics.)